Wednesday, November 16, 2016

DefCon 0: A Tale of the Wastelands

So here I am back at the beginning.
You may ask why?
I may answer in three ways.

  1. Make it better, get some much-needed editing done and reframe my story somewhat.
  2. Still trying to find a better format to tell this story
  3. Because I want the whole story to be here in its own blog.
I am trying to find a means to tell this story differently than I have with my other serial blogs.
For one thing, DefCon will be told in Seasons like TV shows. You will notice this as I will write them like episodes.
DefCon 0.1, DefCon 0.2 etc, BUT I also reserve the chance to insert other stories or POVs or side trips in under DefCon 0.1.1 and so on.
I suspect I will keep myself amused and you reading.
Stay tuned as we began again.... also I will be continuing the story fro where I left off. I just have to sort posts or post in two places. Hopefully, by the time I get this all in one place I will have a mastered format.